Aircraft Leaseback Info

Central Valley Flying Club offers a diverse fleet of rental aircraft. Click on the aircraft tab above to see the current fleet and the specifics of each airplane. Each airplane is owned by a club member and operationally managed by the club. There are often opportunities to add planes to the fleet, and various reasons why you might want to consider placing one on the club flight line. The club has both an excellent safety record and a top-notch maintenance department. This means that your airplane is well looked after, and not likely to be involved in an accident or incident. The club also has a thorough check out process for all planes, meaning that only well-qualified members will fly your plane, further reducing the risk of incidents and possible damage.

The club issues a quarterly “Fleet News” communication that is available to the membership, as well as a monthly ownership seminar (click on the calendar link above for more details). A standard presentation is available to members that describe the reasons for putting an airplane on the club flight line, the current needs of the club, the economics of a rental, and some of the tax implications.