
Welcome to Central Valley Flying Club. We offer four different types of memberships depending upon your needs.

Regular membership. Provides flight privileges based on aircraft checkouts, full access to online and front desk scheduling, simulators, online documentation, and an open invitation to all of our social activities and meetings. There is a $75 non-refundable application fee. Monthly dues are $55 per month, which are reduced by $10 if you fly more than 2 hours in a calendar month.

Military membership. Affords the same privileges as Regular members. You must be either active military status or Vet status with any of the US military branches. There is a $75 non-refundable application fee. Monthly dues are discounted 55%.

Family membership. Affords the same privileges as Regular members. There is no application fee and monthly dues are discounted 55%.

Associate membership. No flying privileges, but entitled to most of the other aspects of Regular/Family membership. There is a $75 non-refundable application fee. Monthly dues are $10.